Privacy Policy

Welcome to Simple Digital Card. Before using our site or services, please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By using our site or services, you agree to this Privacy Policy..


This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect when you use vSimple Digital Card, how we use it, and when we share it.

**What We Do**

We provide online services and operate websites like SaaS Products and online shopping sites. Your information is handled according to this Privacy Policy, even if services operate in different countries.

**Notice to EU Individuals**

We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and safeguard your information accordingly.

**Key Principles**

We collect and use your information to improve your experience on our site and services. This includes personal and non-personal information like your name or browsing data.

**Information We Collect**

We collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) like your name and email when you register. Non-Personally Identifiable Information (Non-PII) includes data like your IP address.

**How We Use and Share Information**

We use this information to improve our services, respond to your inquiries, and for marketing purposes. We may share it with third parties for these reasons.

**Cookies and Preference Based Advertising**

We use cookies to enhance your experience. If you don't want this, you can adjust your browser settings. We work with third parties to place cookies on your browser for advertising purposes.

**Sale of Business and Disclosure by Law**

We may disclose your information in business transactions or if required by law.

**Security of Information**

We use SSL encryption and other security measures to protect your data. However, no transmission on the internet is 100% secure.

**Your Options & Opt-Outs**

You can access and update your information or opt-out of certain services. For any privacy concerns, contact us at .


Our services are not for children under 16. If you're under 18, use Simple Digital Card with a parent or guardian.


This Privacy Policy may change, and we'll notify you of any changes.

**Sole Statement**

This Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use contain all the essential details about using Simple Digital Card.